Collect2 Data Recorder
The Collect2 is an entry level data recorder board with universal serial port control. It has two input channels, two data recording channels
and two analogue output channels. There is also an I/O channel to interface with measuring equipment. It requires the free 'Collect2
Vu' graphical user interface for computers using the Windows operating systems. Intended for lab experiments in application areas such as Education, Research &
Development, Test and Measurement etc.
* Dual Channel
* Variable gain from 2 to 20
* 10 bit resolution
* I/O control of data collection
The Collect2 is a data recorder circuit board that has two input channels with variable
gain amplifiers that can be set in the range 2 to 20. These gains can be saved to be the default value on power up. There
are two data recording channels and two analogue output channels. The Collect2 also has two I/O ports that use 5V logic levels
for the synchronisation of data collection, either by sending a start signal to the connected equipment or receiving a start
recording signal from the equipment. The board is powered from the compatible USB port.
The 'Collect2 Vu' Windows based graphical user interface that connects via a compatible USB connection is required to control,
record and display data. The interface has two digital voltmeters that display the output signals from the amplifiers together
with a graphical display which plots these signals as function of time. The interface provides several operating modes for the
control, display and saving of data. There are currently 8 selectable plot ranges from 10 to 2400 seconds and up to 5 plots may
be recorded and saved. Previously saved data files can be displayed in the plot area. There is also an adjustable averaging
facility that may be applied to the digital meters and plotted traces. The interface is required to set and save each channels
amplifier gain.
For the Collect2 datasheet & manuals click here.
For the Collect2 Vu Graphical User Interface click the image